Thursday, November 22, 2012

Earn $6,795/Month working at home part time!

A client of mine received an email from a friend of his yesterday, with a link that took him to a web page, that explained how a woman in his town is making big money...this is her quote from an interview that was posted on CNBC (I'm leaving out the company's name), "It was pretty easy. I filled out a short form and applied for  ***********.  There is some maintenance fee, so it's not really free, but it was under $50. I received access to the system and within four weeks I was making over $5,000 a month. It's really simple, I am not a computer whiz, but I can use the Internet. I post links that are given to me, I don't even have to sell anything. They are constantly recruiting people to post links, you should try it." She went on to say, "Since getting my ***********, I actually make about $5,000-$7,000 a month using the Internet. It is enough to comfortably replace my old job's income. And the best thing is that I only work about 10-12 hours a week from home so I now have a lot more time for my family."

He was sold.  If someone from his town is making this kinda money, and she is claiming how easy it is, he was thinking, "what the hell...I'm in!"

He clicked the link and began his quest to make almost $7,000/month working only 12 hours a week.  Yeeee Haaaa!!

He was immediately brought to a website that sold the shit out of him!  The woman who is selling this system is brilliant; he was sold instantly.  She had the obligatory sob story of her life...losing her job, had kids, divorced, couldn't find work, blah, blah, blah.  He scanned over many paragraphs of this crap until he got to what he was looking for...what he needed to do to make crazy money working only 12 hours a week!

All he had to do was to post links onto websites.  The more links he posted, the more money he would make.  Of course, this golden opportunity was only being offered to 2 individuals in his town.  He had to act "Right Now" or possibly lose this magical opportunity.  In addition, this should cost him $149, but the writer "understands that before she became a millionaire, $149 was a lot of money to come up with, so she will allow him to pay $99"...but who cared, he was about to make $7,000/month extra only working 12 hours a week!!

Before he could begin posting links on websites, he needed to be certified by this woman.  But she assured him in the ad, that once he was certified, he was "guaranteed placement" in posting links.  By the end of the advertisement, he couldn't wait to give her his money. 

He clicked "pay now" and was so excited to be on his way to financial freedom...NOT!!

Once he paid, he was brought to another site, not the original site.  From that site, the truth smacked him in the face.  This woman got him to pay her $99 so he could start a website that catered to depressed people, people looking for love, or overweight people.  Instantly, he felt like he wanted to throw up because this woman is "targeting" people who are in real need of help.  Regardless, he felt he should continue on his journey to become certified and start making money.

After clicking through many windows of setting up a busllshit website, he finally realized...there is, and never was, a certification process.  The job is to create as many websites as he wanted to pay for, post links on those websites for other people's businesses, and if anyone ever buys anything from those businesses, he might make money. 

This is a clear cut case of misrepresentation- false representation of a material fact, with knowledge of its falsity, made to induce the plaintiff to act on the representation, and reasonably relied upon as true.

He emailed the company and was promised his $99 would be credited in 4-5 business days.  We shall see. 

If anyone has a similar story, please contact me to discuss your options.

Also, if anyone has a real "work-at-home" part time gig they wanna share, please let me know.

Craig  :-)

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