Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Stay of Execution"

In Massachusetts Small Claims matters, if you default, you lose.  If you have a legitimate reason for not showing up on your assigned court date, you may have an opportunity to cancel out that default and start fresh with a new court date; however, it must be filed within 1 year.

In order to start the process of "Beginning Anew"...You may use the following 2 templates:
1) Motion To Remove Default and Vacate Judgment, and 2) Affidavit In Support of Motion to Remove Default and Vacate Judgment.

These documents will hopefully assist you in removing the default and eliminating the judgment against you...for the time being, of course.  This is only a stay of execution because you will receive a new court date; and yes, you must show up on that new court date or you will have lost your opportunity to be heard.  No additional Motions To Remove Default are ever granted as easily as the first. 

The reason most clerks allow Motions to Remove Default is to give defendants their "day in court" and to actually have an opportunity to defend themselves.  If you think about it...it makes sense.

Hope this helps!!



SUFFOLK, SS.                                                                                   DISTRICT COURT
                                                                                   SMALL CLAIMS DEPARTMENT
                                                                                   DOCKET NO.: 

                        Plaintiff,                      )          
v.                                                         )        
                        Defendant,                  )                      

Defendant's Motion to Remove Default and Vacate Judgment

NOW COMES the Defendant,                                                 , and prays this Honorable Court to remove default and vacate the judgment for the following reasons:

There was a deficient service of process as per Defendant’s Affidavit.  Defendant had no actual notice of the complaint filed against her before the default judgment was entered. 

Judgment entered on                          , 20   , and the only notice Defendant received on above complaint for Docket #                                 , was Judgment for Plaintiff with Payment Review date of                               , 20   .

WHEREFORE, Defendant respectfully requests that this Honorable Court set aside default judgment and that this case be restored to the court’s calendar.




SUFFOLK, SS.                                                                                  DISTRICT COURT
                                                                                  SMALL CLAIMS DEPARTMENT
                                                                                  DOCKET NO.: 

                        Plaintiff,                      )          
                                                            )               Affidavit of                                        in
v.                                                         )         Support of Defendant’s Motion to Remove
                                                            )                  Default and Vacate Judgment
                        Defendant,                  )                      


Affidavit of                                   in Support of Defendant's Motion to Remove Default and Vacate Judgment

Personally appeared before the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths in the State of Massachusetts,                                     , who on oath deposed and testified as follows:

1. My name is                                , and I am a resident of the State of Massachusetts. I am the defendant in the above-captioned matter. This Affidavit is submitted in support of defendant's Motion to Remove Default and Vacate Judgment on the grounds that the defendant did not receive notice of court date.

2. The only notice received on above complaint for Docket #                     , was Judgment for Plaintiff with Payment Review date of                             , 20  .

 Date:                                                                                      ______________________

Notary Public

On                           , 20  , before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said County                        and State                             , personally appeared                           , known to me to be an individual who subscribed and swore to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same.

Witness my hand and official seal.

                                                              Notary Public
My Commission expires:





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